Resources / References
Signs, Posters, Handouts
By the Numbers
By the Numbers
1 - Authorized fills per transfer (non-controlled)
1 - Number of times a prescription with PRN refills can be refilled (non-controls only)
1 - Number of drug products that can be prescribed per prescription form
2 - The maximum number of registered technicians a pharmacist can supervise at one time
4 - The maximum number of individuals a pharmacist can supervise at one time
6 - The maximum number of physician assistants a physician may supervise in a hospital setting
6 - A weighing device must be sensitive to 6mg
45 - Number of continuing education hours required each triennial registration
75 - The passing score in each part of the licensing examinations
100 - Maximum 100 dosage units for a C-IV oral prescription
100 - The dispensing area of a pharmacy must measure not less than 100 square feet
300 - The registered area of a pharmacy must measure not less than 300 square feet
5000 - Number of prescriptions dispensed annually required by pharmacy per intern
By the Number of Hours
3 - Number of hours of continuing education on techniques or strategies to reduce medication errors required during each 3-year pharmacist registration
30 - Number of hours worked per week to be eligible to be a supervising pharmacist (if open less then 30 then the majority of hours)
48 - Number of hours a pharmacy shall notify the board if the pharmacy is damaged by fire, flood or other disaster
By the Number of Days
5 - Maximum day supply allowed for an emergency oral prescription for a controlled substance schedules II, III, V and Benzodiazepines
5 - A prescriber must be notified of the dispensing of a substituted biological product within five days of the dispensing
7 - Days owner has to notify State Board of Pharmacy of change of Supervising Pharmacist
7 - Maximum number of days supply allowed for initial fill of an opioid prescription for acute pain
7 - Must file with the Board at least 7 days prior to selling drugs at an auction
7 - maximum number of days supply remaining a patient can have on a controlled substance to be eligible for refill
7 - If the pharmacist fails to receive a follow up prescription for a Schedule II oral prescription he or she shall notify the department in writing within seven days from the date of dispensing the substance. (Article 33, §3334)
14 - Number of days to report PMP “Zero Reporting” days
14 - A pharmacist shall report immunizations to the department within fourteen days of administration of such immunizations
30 - You must notify the Department in writing within 30 days if your address or name changes
30 - Must respond within 30 days to written communications from the Education Department or the Department of Health
30 - An application for endorsement to another address for a pharmacy shall be made not less than 30 days prior to the expected date of relocation
30 - The number of days to notify board of any change in officers of the corporation holding 10 percent or more of stock
30 -No drug may be sold at an auction after the expiration date or when such expiration date will occur within a period of thirty days or less from the date of sale
30 - Maximum day supply allowed for an emergency oral prescription for a controlled substance schedule IV except Benzodiazepines
90 - Repackaged unused drug products in a nursing home may be returned to a pharmacy as long as no more than 90 days have elapsed since the date of the repacking
By the Number of Months
1 - The drug regimen of each resident in a nursing home shall be reviewed at least once a month by a registered pharmacist. (415.18 – Pharmacy Services)
1 - A pharmacist shall report the administration of an immunization by electronic transmission or facsimile to the patient's attending primary health care practitioner within 1 month
By the Number of Years
1 - Year experience to be a pharmacy preceptor
1 - Number of years of professional study pharmacy students must complete prior to being granted an intern permit
1 - Year is length of time a waiver of electronic prescribing is valid
1 - Length of time after last showing an exact copy of an advertisement must be kept
2 - Years a prescription for syringes is valid
2 - Years after entry must keep pseudoephedrine logbook
2 - Years maintain controlled drug purchasing records
3 - Years a pharmacy DEA license is valid for before it expires
5 - Years records of prescriptions filled or refilled must be maintained
5 - The number of years a Pharmacy Intern permit is valid
By the Numbers - Age
2 - Minimum age of patient pharmacist can administer influenza immunizations to
18 - Must be 18 years of age to purchase dextromethorphan
18 - Must be 18 years of age to purchase self defense spray
18 - Minimum age of patient pharmacist can administer state allowed immunizations to (influenza vaccine is an exception – 2 years of age)
21 - Minimum age to become a pharmacist